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How does it Work

Design Your Purpose Personal Counselling and Coaching is a process that enables you to become more aware of your current view and approach to the world in terms of circumstances, people and yourself.


It enables you to see new possibilities with a fresh perspective and to construct sustainable new competencies to achieve the “stuff” that deeply matters to you.


Design Your Purpose delivers its Personal Coaching program through a coaching circle of: 

  • acquaintance, 

  • exploration,

  • insight

  • reflection.

A coaching circle typically contains 6 one-to-one (fortnightly) coaching dialogues of 60 minutes each.


With every session or coaching dialogue, there are 2 key components:

1. Fresh insights (awareness) such as “ah-ha” moments and insight into blind


2. Fresh actions (behaviours) such as on-going exercises to establish new

   behavioural patterns.


Our sessions can be conducted via Skype or another suitable web interface.


Session 1: The Acquaintance-Session.

This session will be an interview session where we learn about each other, discuss what you want to accomplish and explore the possibilities of our coaching relationship.

Together, we will clarify the topic of our sessions, outline the agenda and discuss our mutual expectations for the coaching relationship.


Session 2: The Exploration-Session.

This session is where we explore what has worked in the past and what has been less successful in addressing the issue at hand.

During this discussion, we can refine our approach and set our sails to find the best possible route to a solution. We explore and name the obstacles in your way.


Session 3-5: The Insight-Session.

During these sessions, our coaching conversations are aimed at learning from the fundamental information that we gathered in the first 2 sessions and we construct your outcomes and solutions on these insights.

These sessions are progressive and are constantly moving towards the future where you can implement your newly acquired insights, skills and



Session 6: The Reflection Session.

This final session is about reflecting on and considering specific changes and competencies that have been realized through the coaching sessions.

We consider how to turn them into positive, ongoing habits. At this point, we can also choose to engage in a new cycle around a new topic or outcome.

Alternatively, we can finalise the process at this point.

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